The Inside Edge
The Big Property List
This is the first in a series of articles from the team at – the online marketing service that helps you sell your house – yourself.
The current state of the UK property market is in slowdown/ decline according to most sources (RICs Housing Market May 2008) with house prices stabilising or falling and a lack of demand in the market.
The reality is that over the course of time property prices will go up and down in a largely unpredictable manner, but it’s worth bearing in mind that over the course of history the overall trend is always up.
There is lots of good advice out there, from Independant Financial Advisors, Chartered Surveyors, Estate Agents and other property experts – however most have an agenda or will require a fee.
The intention of this blog is to draw this advice together and present it in an understandable format – keeping things in perspective and providing advice that you can trust.
We will feature articles and simple to follow guides from qualified contributors covering such areas as HIPs, mortgages, marketing your property, buy-to-let, conveyancing, investment strategies, controlling household costs and eco-building. We welcome debate and the sharing of experiences. Buying or selling a house can be daunting (often quoted as one of the four most stressful events in life, along with deaths, marriage and divorce!) so we hope to help you through the process.
The site is currently funded by advertising allowing our advice to remain free and impartial. is an online marketing tool for people to sell their house themselves – without the use of an Estate Agent. The site will be launching shortly.
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