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5 things you can do to help sell your home quickly

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Selling your house can sometimes be difficult. Lenders have placed far tighter financial restrictions on buyers, and the property market can often be uncertain. In order to ensure that you sell your home quickly there are certain things that you can do to make your property more attractive. Here are five ideas that can help.

1. Use storage facilities and de-clutter

Property experts all agree about the need to declutter your home before opening your doors to potential buyers. If you don’t want to throw all of your surplus possessions away, then it’s a good idea to look at some alternative options. For those living in the West Midlands, Sheldon self storage can act as a useful asset. You’ll be able to retain all your essential household possessions and consign anything that you’re not sure about, or not using at the present time, to this storage facility. Your house will then look cleaner and more appealing to any potential buyer.

2. Photographs will help

Once you’ve got your house into tip-top condition, make sure that you take some good quality photographs of the property. Your estate agent will take their own snaps but this doesn’t mean that you can’t post your own pictures on any of the social media channels. Just ensure that they tempt the buyer into making an appointment with the estate agent to come and view your house.

3. Make your property stand out from the crowd

If your house looks well maintained, you stand a far better chance of selling it more quickly. An article in The Daily Mail suggests that decorating your house before you put it on the market will freshen up your living space and make it look more appealing to buyers. Don’t make the mistake of touching up a few areas with a spot of paint days before a viewing – the buyers might wonder if you’re trying to hide anything.

4. Tidy up the garden

The appearance of your house can be ruined by an unkempt garden and exterior. Even if you haven’t got green fingers yourself, see if you can hire someone to mow the lawn, clip the hedges and generally improve the appearance of your garden. Check that your garage doors are presentable and that your drive looks neat and tidy. A tatty exterior can also devalue your house, so if you want to sell your property quickly don’t neglect it.

5. Make the best of your house

Most people, when viewing a property, apparently make their decisions based on the appearance of the kitchens and the bathrooms. An article in The Daily Mirror suggests that you don’t have to replace all the units in your kitchen, but you can at least ensure that lime scale isn’t blocking the taps and remove any grease stains from the room. According to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, a good kitchen can add as much as 4% to the value of a home.

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